Miso-Cured Egg Yolks- Recipe

Miso-cured egg yolks- This is totally going to be your new favorite garnish.

Today we’re using @peteandgerrys pasture-raised eggs to get these perfectly golden and delicious cured yolks!

Making these cured yolks is super easy and will add the perfect amount of buttery umami to any dish. Grate as you would Parmesan cheese and add to salads, noodles, and more!


3-4 Pasture-raised egg yolks

1/2 tub of white miso paste

3 tbs Mirin

2 tbs Sugar

Water (*as needed, few tbs)


1. In a pan combine white miso with mirin, sugar, and a touch of water and stir over medium heat. You want a nice thick but smooth paste, you just want to heat it through so the mixture is nice and softened (do NOT let it come to a simmer).

3. Separate egg yolks and carefully set aside in a bowl.

4. In a container, add half your miso mixture into container. Make little wells to set the egg yolks in, gently add the egg yolks into the wells, and carefully cover with miso (by creating wells for the egg yolks and slightly thinning out the miso hopefully they won’t weigh on the yolks and make them burst, if this happens, remove egg yolk matter with a spoon, add a little more water to your miso paste mixture and mix well. Set new egg yolks into the wells and carefully place miso mixture ontop of egg yolks).

5. Pop container in the fridge and let it cure for 1 week (5-7 days).

4. Remove egg yolks from the miso paste. You’ll notice a runny yolk like substance around the egg yolks in the miso mixture, dig around with your fingers and find the yolks and remove the solid egg yolk (it might look like the egg yolk popped but it’s just the yolk liquid that transferred out of the yolk).

5. Carefully rinse yolks under water and gently pat dry.

6. Place egg yolks on parchment paper and place into air fryer or oven for 200 degrees for 15 min each side.

7. Let cool completely.

8. Store in fridge in air tight container until ready to use (I put salt on the bottom of the container to keep the yolks dry).

Grate as you would Parmesan cheese and add to salads, noodles, and more!


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